Cape Wine 2018 - Day 3 pics

published on: Monday, 17 September 2018

Day 3 of Cape Wine was still busy with Seminars and Variety tasting gathering much interest. I engaged with a group of African Media from Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya and it is clear that there is a need for more wine education and info there to grow our market share.

Bringing international trade and media to our beautiful winelands is a no-brainer and there were plenty of events surrounding Cape Wine itself, so there was no shortage of experiences on hand.
Well done again to WOSA for arranging a stellar show - everyone we spoke to had high praise for the biggest South African Wine exposition in the world.

  +27.218433587       +27.218433274
Meerlust Estate Baden Powell Drive P.O. Box 7121 , Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa